D.C. Leaders Safari: Jon Bon Jovi
Dear Friends,
As you all know by now, I'm the only child. While it is fun to have the full attention from my loving parents and many great friends of my age, a lot of time I wonder what I will feel to have idols outside of Cragtop Caves.

My creative mom, Tera, suggested that I made one-of-a-kind letter that looked like a scrap book page. The project turned out to be a fun one. On one page, I got to put the pieces together, pictures, drawings and letter for my idol, then make another creative page for my idol to write me back!

This is the second letter that I will send to my idol. He is a very cool musician with a BIG HEART, Jon Bon Jovi! Not only can he sing rock tunes perfectly, he can be as generous as Santa Claus! He provides affordable housing for the needy, and builds a creative system where members of community can help each other by eating in a unique restaurant called the "Soul Kitchen." Those are just two examples of his dignified and caring leaderships.

I am really hoping that he can write me back so that I can share it to all of my friends as well. The world needs as many Dignified and Caring leaders as possible to make it a better place for children like us to grow up. I have decided to name this project the "D.C. Leaders Safari," and will share with you my letters to these inspiring leaders.

I also think that it will be cool if we can share with each others our idols stories. I will put this project under the "Fan Club's-Sharing Smart Ideas" section, and hope that you will send me yours as well. If you need cool background, feel free to use some nice looking templates that I have shared with you there.

Truly Yours,